Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Soviet Union During The Cold War Essay - 2053 Words

The Zbigniew Brzezinski defined a Soviet victory as entailing â€Å"the submissive neutralization of both Western Europe (through the dismantling of NATO) and Japan, and the withdrawal of U.S. political military presence across the oceans. Moreover, victory was also defined as attaining the worldwide economic supremacy of communism over capitalism† . Part of this view is corroborated in the infamous Long Telegram by American diplomat George F. Kennan, which, among other things, claimed that the USSR wanted to further socialism at the cost of Western capitalism. . From both sources, one can assume the terms of victory for the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and, consequently, these can be compared with the actual events of the Cold War to determine how large a defeat the Soviet Union suffered. It is indeed true that the Western capitalism emerged victorious in the end. Western Europe wasn’t â€Å"neutralised†; in fact, it was Eastern Europe that submitted to Western politics as the USSR collapsed. Similarly, by the end of the Cold War it was the USSR’s political presence - rather than the US’ - that had collapsed, leaving the US seemingly unopposed as the leading global superpower. In each of these cases, it appears that the Soviet Union suffered a total defeat far removed from any conditions of victory. However, while this paper will begin by examining these areas of defeat, it will then go on to argue that the defeat was not necessarily total. Finally, it will argue that survival andShow MoreRelatedThe Soviet Union During The Cold War999 Words   |  4 PagesThe emergence of the Cold War with the Soviet Union had far reaching impacts on American society, including hindering the pace of social reform in the United States. While some aspects of the Cold War may have helped promote certain social reforms, the net impact, deterred inevitable social reforms. Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold Wa r induced a fear of communism in Americans that had numerous effects on American policies. McCarthyism, a period of controversialRead MoreThe Soviet Union During The Cold War1677 Words   |  7 PagesAfter World War II, the world was in a state of heightened suspicion that was lead by ideological differences. There were two main â€Å"superpowers† that shaped perceptions of the rest of the world. One was the United States, who had come out of the war fairly unscathed, which was due to little to no conflict directly on its soil, in addition to the possession of atomic weapons and a strong navy and air force. The other major player was the Soviet Union, whose industry was recovered during the first fewRead MoreThe Soviet Union During The Cold War1702 Words   |  7 Pages history in the West abruptly shifted course. The communist regimes in Eastern Europe fell, severing these nations’ ties to the Soviet Union and sparking unprecedented political and economic reforms. T wo years later, the Soviet Union itself disintegrated. The Cold War ended along with it, a sharply defined historical era stretching back to 1914. The end of the Cold War renewed the commitment to democracy and capitalism in the West, accelerated the existing movement toward unification in Europe, andRead MoreThe Soviet Union During The Cold War1805 Words   |  8 PagesThe United States did not have a favorable relationship with the Soviet Union during the Cold War due to the Soviet’s desire to spread communism. In the midst of the ideological battle between the United States and the Soviets, U.S. sought attention to whole Southeast Asia due to the radical dispersion of Communism. North Vietnam formed an alliance with the Soviet Union, and China to unite the country into a communist regime. As an international peace keeper, the United States decided to fund theRead MoreThe Soviet Union During The Cold War1772 Words   |  8 PagesWhilst United States-Soviet relations were central to post 1945, an understanding about other relations will give a fuller, wider understanding of the Cold War context. The 1950s crisis over Korea and Taiwan, the Vietnam War in the 1960s, and the conflict between Washington and Moscow all highlighted the central theme of power. Bi-polar conflicts were at the heart of the Cold War and global struggles complicated situations. The conflicts during the Cold War were underpinned by strategic, politicalRead MoreThe Second Red Scare During The Cold War With The Soviet Union1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe Second Red Scare started in the opening phases of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The Second Red Scare refers to the anti-communist passion that affected American politics, culture and society in the 1940s and 1950s. Interpretations of the Second Red Scare have ranged between two poles: one emphasizing the threat posed to national security by the Communist Party, and the other emphasizing the threat to democracy posed by political repression. Americans historically have been fearful of â€Å"enemiesRead MoreRonald Reagan Prolonged The Cold War Essay1539 Words   |  7 Pagesfactor which played a part in ending the Cold War was the internal unrest of the Soviet Union. Also the ever changing system we know now as International Relations had a role in the conclusion of this time period. I will additionally argue the antithesis of the question and explain how Ronald Reagan prolonged the Cold War. Response: During the Second World War, USA and the Soviet Union came together against a common enemy. It was the immediate events after the War which lead to renewed tensions betweenRead MoreThe Movie Goldeneye 997 Words   |  4 Pagesstop terrorist from taking a Soviet Union satellite that can fire an electric magnetic pulse satellite (EMP) . The movie takes place from 1986 to 1995, all during the time of the cold war. Within the movie there are a few villains that are fighting against Bond, Alec Trevelyan formally MI6 special agent 006 and James Bond partner, Boris Grishenko an indepent hacker that works for the Janus group, and Soviet Union fighting against other countries during the cold war. The movie Goldeneye shows themesRead MoreThe Cold War and Us Diplomacy1213 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War and the United States Diplomacy Name: Institution: The Cold War and the United States Diplomacy The Cold War was the state of military and political tension between Western countries, especially the United States, its NATO allies, and the communist nations, particularly the Soviet Union and other satellite states. The war began after World War II had got to an end. The Cold War was named so since it did not feature anyRead More Causes Of The Cold War Essay608 Words   |  3 Pages Causes of the Cold War nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The Cold War occurred during a time of rebuilding for Europe. It characterized international relations and dominated the foreign policies of Europe. It affected all of Europe and determined lasting alliances. The Cold War was caused by the social climate and tension in Europe at the end of World War II and by the increasing power struggles between the Soviet Union. Economic separation between the Soviets and the west also heightened tensions

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Beattles Free Essays

In June of 1956, John Lennon met Paul McCartney for the first time. Nobody ever dreamed that John and Paul would have the success that they had. John Lennon and Paul McCartney along with George Harrison and Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) became known as the greatest and the most influential rock musicians in the world. We will write a custom essay sample on The Beattles or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Beatles, whose music has been played by prestigious symphonies around the world and has been sung by renowned singers such as Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett, were a vibrant moving force of the 1960’s; they permanently changed the course of music and soundly influenced the lives of future generations. To get an idea of how much the Beatles helped shape the following generations’ lifestyles, one must look at the lifestyle and the music before the Beatles. The music the Beatles played, â€Å"Rock and Roll,† had already established itself as a popular form of music to American teenagers. Derived from the black’s â€Å"Rhythm and Blues,† rock and roll was made popular by performers such as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and Bill Haley. Though rock and roll had been around for about ten years before the Beatles became famous, it was still a relatively new form of music that had plenty of potential. The Beatles were elevated from obscurity by utilizing the music’s potential. The lifestyle of the fifties was slowly changing. The American public was beginning to accept the possibility of a â€Å"working class hero†. Films such as â€Å"Saturday Night and Sunday Morning† and â€Å"The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner,† which portrayed working class protagonists, became overnight successes. The Beatles, who were definitely working class, were the ultimate rags to riches story. As the fifties drew to a close, the Beatles were on a path that forever changed history. The Beatles’ success was not immediate. In 1960 the Beatles, who consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe (guitarist), and Pete Best (drummer), made their first trip to Hamburg, Germany. Although the trip wasn’t a success, the second trip to Hamburg as a backing group to Tony Sheridan was more successful. The Beatles returned home in June of 1961 and found that more and more people would come to see their performances. Though popular and drawing large audiences, the Beatles were refused by Decca, Pye, Columbia, HMV, and EMI, all prominent recording companies. The emergence of the Beatles’ popularity can be traced to the help of two people: the determination of Brian Epstein, their manager, and the foresight of George Martin, their producer. Brian Epstein, a record store owner, was a novice at the manager business. Through his raw determination, he was able to meet up with George Martin. George knew the record business, and he pulled some strings to let the Beatles record. Their first release, â€Å"Love Me Do,† only reached the number seventeen position on the charts; however, that was the start of an illustrated career for John, Paul, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, who replaced Pete Best as drummer in August of 1962. Beatlemania was the term that described the hysteria resulting from the Beatles’ rise. The Beatles were breaking attendance records all over Europe. Following every performance were reports of girls that had become injured in their attempts just to see the boys. By the end of 1963, the Beatles had five songs that had reached number one in Britain. Looking for new directions to expand, the Beatles looked across the ocean to America. When the Beatles touched down in New York in February 1964, they knew they had come to the right place as ten thousand screaming fans fought to see them. During the Beatles stay in Manhattan, at least a dozen girls were injured trying to catch sight of the boys. During their concerts, there was so much noise that the audience drowned out the performers. Any movement by an individual Beatle would cause added screaming by rows and rows of young females. This kind of reaction would plague the group at any performance they did. The Beatles popularity became the point of many debates. At one point in August 1966, John claimed that the Beatles were even more popular than Jesus. Though he apologized for it later, he was correct in analyzing their popularity. It seemed as if anything the Beatles said or did would affect the whole society. One major effect that they had on society was the drug influence of their music. Taking drugs became the â€Å"in† thing to do. The press went into an uproar when they found out the initials to the Beatles’ â€Å"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds† was LSD, a popular but addicting drug. Another song, â€Å"Day in the Life,† was banned by the BBC and some United States radio stations because of alleged drug allusions. Drugs were becoming a way of life for many teenagers. In late 1966, the Beatles decided that they would do no more concerts. Many thought that this would lead to a drop in their popularity. The media was soon proved wrong when their next album, â€Å"Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,† became an instant hit. Anything the Beatles touched turned to gold. John Lennon’s first book, In His Own Write, was a million seller. The Beatles could do nothing that wouldn’t sell. As time went on, however, the Beatles began to pursue their own individual tastes. When Brian Epstein committed suicide in August of 1967, the Beatles began their long decline. The Beatles began to rot from within. The TV film, â€Å"Magical Mystery Tour,† was a complete failure. George Harrison took studying in India very seriously. John’s marriage to Cynthia broke down, and he began to see Yoko Ono. All four started to do musical work without the other three. They were having serious financial trouble with their own recording company, Apple Records. By 1969, the Beatles were in deep trouble. It came as only a mild surprise to most people when Paul McCartney decided to quit the group in April of 1970. Paul claimed personal differences existed with John and with Allen Klein, their financial advisor. Though at first the split was claimed as temporary, the world began to understand that the Beatles would never exist anymore. When asked just what he was going to do now that he was breaking from the group, he replied: â€Å"My only plan is to grow up. † By 1970 though, the Beatles had already made a huge impact on society. A revolutionary group responsible for bombing three business buildings called themselves â€Å"Revolutionary Force 9† which was derived from â€Å"Revolution Number 9,† an eight-minute collage of noises from the Beatles’ White Album. Another influence was in the youth churches where a yellow submarine was made a symbol of love. The yellow submarine, from a movie and a song of that name, was described as a ‘a place where they loved each other in a groovy way and got strength to do battle with the Blue Meanies. It also shows that a church has to have flexibility and maneuverability. ’ Though the Beatles were gone, their influence remained. The Beatles have influenced people in ways never dreamed of. Their music was even blamed for the Charles Manson murders in Southern California. Their style of music changed the way the music industry had worked; most groups now perform their own original material, which was very uncommon in the late fifties and early sixties. The Beatles’ constant preaching of love has changed a whole generation’s thinking, and may have helped to bring an end to the Vietnam War. Their drug taking and radical approach to life has caused some people to take the Beatles’ philosophy wrongly and to think that some terrorist activity was acceptable. Others have taken what the Beatles said as gospel and formed new religions. However people reacted to the Beatles didn’t matter; it was just significant that people were reacting, and therefore were being influenced in some manner by the Beatles. The Beatles, the greatest rock band ever to exist, does not record as a group anymore, but their influences will continue for years as the youth of each generation listens to the music that changed the world. â€Å"Hey Jude† â€Å"Hey Jude† is such a monumental favorite, I am almost dissuaded from touching it because of the pressure to say something profound. It is such a good illustration of two compositional lessons: how to fill a time with simple means, and how to use diverse elements such as harmony and orchestration to articulate form and contrast. I think that the fact that the song was written by Paul McCartney to Julian Lennon during the breakup of John and Julia’s mom, Cynthia, adds a new dimension to the appreciation of it but, as have been observed with respect to the fact of John’s having written â€Å"Julia† in honor of his own mother, the effect that each song has upon someone would be hardly diminished if for some reason were to remain oblivious to the biographical background of either. For me, the main message here is to be found in the first half, the imperative to now pursue one’s destined love the minute either you have found him/her, or he/she has found you. I do believe that once you internalize that much, the transcendent, blissful joy of the second half falls right into place. â€Å"Yesterday† This song is so well established in the pop-cultural subconscious that it is difficult to relate to it objectively, no less say something new and insightful about it. As is often the case with the over-exposed war horses of any artsy genre, whether or not you like this song, there is some good reason why it became so over-exposed in the first place. It is a fine piece of work with something going for it in virtually every detail. By the same token, one should not be fooled by whatever unique and interesting factors surrounding the song’s history and production into thinking of it as more unique and different than it is. Especially if you can step around the self-pitying lyrics for a moment (Paul possibly taking a lesson from George, for a change) you will find this song to actually lie along the same compositional and moody lines of the other hymn or anthem-like ballads which so vividly characterize some of Paul’s highest achievements. Love Me Do† Granted, by itself, â€Å"Love Me Do† is hardly the blockbuster of which legendary careers are made. In fact, it is tempting at first blush to dismiss this one as too simple and even unappealing. After all, we have what must be very nearly the skimpiest Lennon/McCartney lyric ever, but just beneath the surface, you find not also that certain bristling intensity in their voices, but also a great deal of stylistically prophetic, especially i n regards to the phrasing, the vocal harmonies, and the modal melody. The most intriguing aspect to this intuitive innovation of the early Beatles is the question of how much of it was motivated by intentional originality and how much a by-product of less-than-entirely-adept emulation of their derivative influences. It is quite a serious question, the answer to which has nothing to do with the relative merit of the final product itself. How to cite The Beattles, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

In the work Utopia,which is a product of imaginati Essay Example For Students

In the work Utopia,which is a product of imaginati Essay on,More tells us aboutthe flawless system of governing which he establishes.In his writings Morereflects the aspirations of a Renaissance man.This both caused him to beconsidered as the Socrates of Europe and to be executed in the face of hisdisobedience against the king.Ideas of Humanism and Reformation had foundrefuge in Mores mind.While carrying such qualities in theory,he was infact a staunch radical in real life.Although he had to at loggerheads withthe Church for his sympathy towards Reformation, he was against Reformationin religion and this prepared the way for his execution.But the excellentmasterpiece Utopia clearly laid out these ideas of Renaissance andReformation.That is why More was a humanist and a Renaissance man and alsoa Reformist though he opposed against the application of Reformist ideas tothe Church.For this reason,we have to dwell upon these movements to see howMore sometimes contradicts the period.In fact,there is no way we can differRenaiisance and Reformatio n.These movements which arose with the interestin classical works in Italy contradict with the manners of the medievalCatholic Church;Medieval Christianity considered people to be naturalsinners,chivalric codes and heroic deeds were in the foreground,there wasno hope for salvation because only after death could man attain happinessfor which reason body as the source of sins had to be severelypunished.Catholic church was immersed in religious bigotry;renaisance andreformation fought to reverse this trend;people were naturally good,war wasuntowardly,perfection could be reached in an honest social structure,peoplecould reach happiness in this world and there was no actual need to punishthe body,there had to be religiou?s liberty.More had these ideas as aRenaissance man;he cared about human and nature.Even though he does not actlike that in real life,Utopia displays him like a genuine Reformist and heis amongst those humanist writers who are displeased with the corruptionsof the church. But,he was against reformation in that he saw the papacy as auniting power and thought that its fraction would cause instability.In hisspeeches wiyh Hytholoday,he shows himself supporting unity in religion.Inthe period,the belief that drastic changes had to be made in the church wasgrowing strong.Reformation movement also was strengthened in England by thedivorce of Henry VIII and his proclaiming himself to be the head of theEnglish church.More was executed for opposing to accept the king as thehead of the church.Thomas More,despite his inconsistent manners in reallife,criticises his own society in a srtict manner.And his spokesman is thecaptain Raphael who traveled with Vespuci.He tells us about Utopia and thethings which he tells us are the opposite of what was taking place in the16th century.In this context,we can say that More criticises his ownsociety in terms of religion,socisl life,law,education and economy. Middle Ages saw social and economic progress in waging wars;the kingsthought about nothing else but capturing new lands.They considered it fitto povertise the society for their own intersets.Governors were on thewhole were corrupted and there was the belief that the king was therepresentative of God and that he had the right to do whatever heliked.They always looked to the past and never thought about futureitself.This radical stance of the kings and the rulers caused the public tobe oppressed and povertised both economically and socially.In the firstbook he gives voice to these corruptions through Raphael;to start with, most kings are most interested in the science of war -whichI dont know anything about, and dont want to- than in useful peacetimetechniques. Theyre far more anxious, by hook or by crook, to acquire newkingdoms than to govern their existing ones properly. Besides, privycouncillors are either too wise to need, or too conceited to take advisefrom anyone else -though of course theyre always prepared to suck up tothe kings special favourites by agreeing with the the silliest things theysay.Andsuppose, in such company, you suggest a policy that you have seen adoptedelsewhere, or for which you can quote a historical precedent, what willhappen? They will behave as though their professional reputations were atstake, and theyd look fools for the rest of their lives if they couldntraise some objection to your proposal. Failing all else, their last resortwill be: this was good enough for our ancestors, and who are we toquestion their wisdom? Then they will settle back in their chairs, with anair of having said the last word on the subject as if it would be a majordisaster for anyone to be caught being wiser than his ancestors!What is more,More takes a stand against the engagement of people in acts ofwar in his second book.According to what Raphael says,Utopians hateviolence so much so that they get other people form other countries to killthe animals.They do not go to war unless it is inevitable and prefer tofight through reason and not using rude power.He especially criticises hisown period in economical terms.Income injustice and the unequaldistribution of wealth and the occasion of a certain class grabbing a highportion of the national wealth while the common people are suffering fromhunger and the suppression of the peasants was a reality in 16th centuryengland.Raphael touches upon the harm which this system does to thesociety;well, first of all there are lots of noblemen who live like droneson the labour of other people, in other words, of their tenants, and keepbleeding them white by constantly raising their rents. For thats theironly idea of practical economy -otherwise theyd soon be ruined by theirextravagance...to put it more plainly, in those parts of the kingdom where thefinest, and so the most expensive wool is produced, the nobels andgentlemen, not to mention several saintly abbots, have grown dissatisfiedwith the incom e that their predecessors got out of their estates. They areno longer content to lead lazy, comfortable lives, which do no good tosociety -they must actively do it harm, by enclosing all the land they canfor pasture, and leaving none for cultivation. They are even tearing downhouses and demolishing whole towns- except, of course, for the churches,which they preserve for use as sheepfold. As though they didnt waste enoughof your soil already on their coverts and game-preserves, these kind soulsstarted destroying all traces of human habitation, and turning every scrapof farmland into a wilderness. so what happens? each greedy individualpreys on his native land like a malignant growth, absorbing field afterfield, and enclosing thousands of acres with a single fence.Whereas, the case is not the same in Utopia.There is no sense of privateproperty in Utopia.Every one is able to use one anothers tools ifnecessary.Also,there is no such thing like money in Utopia.Everybody takeswhatever he l ikes from a shop as long as not too much.A Total of 54 citiesbarter the things which they need between themselves.To prevent the feelingof property,Utopians change houses every ten years casting theirlots.Whereas,in his time,there was a sense of extreme property,egoism anddrive for material gain.Rulers were doing all they could to augment theirwealth and were exploiting the public.Also,at those times people caredabout precious materials and it had become almost an addiction to go toexotic countries and loot their resources.Whereas,the utopians looked atthese things as being low and base and put precious metals on criminals orgave them to the children to play.In this way,he criticises his own societyusing Raphael.And to avoid any punishment,he makes these accusationsthrough the voice of Raphael.In his time laws were not justful and did notwork the way it had to;the laws were elaborate and complicated.Most of thetimes,these laws were being manipulated by the rulers for their ownintere sts and desires.Also,people who were stealing things for a loaf ofbread were being killed.This was a sort of injustice which arose from anunbalanced law system.In Utopia the case is the other way round;laws arenot complicated.It is understood by everyone.No one is executed unlessascertained that he deserves it.No one resorts to stealing.Every one has ajob and no one think about having more.Whereas,in England,the aristocracydid not have any occupation and most of the people were idlers with nocontribution to the society.So,most suffered from hunger. .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .postImageUrl , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:hover , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:visited , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:active { border:0!important; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:active , .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787 .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue82d8db378ff275e33f96bdfc687b787:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Breast Cancer Essay Paperyou see how it is -wherever you are, you always have to work. There isnever any excuse for idleness Under such a system, there is boundto be plenty of everything, and, as everything is divided equally among theentire population, there obviously cant be any poor people or beggars. Eachtown, you remember, sends three representatives to the annual Lietalk, toParliament, at Aircastle. There they collect details of theyearsproduction, and as soon as its clear which products are plentiful in eachareas, and which are in short supply, they arrange for a series oftransfers to equalizedistribution.What is more,equal distribution of labor among the public ena bled them tospare more time for activities like reading.As opposed to over-indulgencein luxury,every one in Utopia had his own moderate way of life and thuseveryone would find enough time for reading or artistic activities.Thus,notonly economically but also socially did he introduce changes.At thosetimes,academic knowledge was witihn the grasp of a few cluster ofpeople.Whereas in Utopia education goes on for a life time and everyone isoffered an equal chance to improve himself.He does not criticise his owncentury only in terms of political or social corruption but also in termsof religious bigotry.Although religious narrow-mindedness was begining tofade away,the church was still against the reform movements.More seems tobe siding with the reformers in his Utopia.In 16th century europe,therewere huge religious conflicts.The need for reform was strongly felt.Thosewho complained about the licentiousness of the priests wanted to go back tothe ancient simple principless of Christianity.T he movement which began inthe form of a religioud reform was supported by the examining character ofRenaissance and looked for salvation in the past.These were the thingswhich More did not like about Christianity of the times;Christianity ispessimistic.Christianity has the underlying belief that the world is proneto evil and that it is naturally corrupt and thus has to beavoided.Whereas,Utopians seek to enjoy life.Just like a Renaissanceman,they are optimistic and believe that good things also happen.TheChristianity thought that body had to suffer for the soul to reachsalvation in the hereafter.Although Catholicism banned divorce,Utopianswere allowed to divorce if either one of the couple sufffered from anyphysical harm or was fooled.The Utopians also favour the idea of letting aman kill himself to escape from his pains whereas Christianity forbadesuicide.In a roundabout way,he also complains about the superfluous numbersof the priests.Also he introduces some new changes which may e ven amaze ustoday:1-Priest are elected by the vote of the public2-Priests are allowed to marry. 3-Old women may become priests. These ideas resemble much the principles which Luther tries to spread.InUtopia there was complete religious freedom. when utopos heard how theyd behaved, he realized that this was why he dbeen able to conquer the whole lot of them. So immediately after hisvictory he made a law, by which everyone was free to practise what religionhe liked, and to try and convert other people to his own faith, provided hedid it quietly and politely, by rational argument.While making such criticisms of the society,he does this in a way whichresembles socialism.His work Utopia contained elements of the threemovements which shaped the modern european world.More is righteouslyremembered for his work Utopia which we consider to be quite innovative andradical when we consider the age of conflics in which he was living.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Walter Whitman Essays - Brooklyn Eagle, Mystics, Walt Whitman

Walter Whitman Walter Whitman Through the history of the United States there have been a countless numbers of poets. With them came an equal number of writing styles. Certainly one of the most unique poets to write life's story through his own view of the world and with the ambition to do it was Walter Whitman. Greatly criticized by many readers of his work, Whitman was not a man to be deterred. Soon he would show the world that he had a voice, and that it spoke with a poet's words. Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever I choose. Thus Whitman began his "Song of the Open Road". This paper will attempt to describe his life and poetry in a way that does justice to the path he chose. He was a man who grew up impoverished, who wrote from his experiences, and who tried to lift his fellow men above life's trivialities. These are the points to be discussed on these pages. To know the essence of Walter Whitman, you would have to understand the heart of his writing. For he is in his pen. Walter Whitman was born in West Hills, Long Island, New York, on May 31, 1819 . He did not have much opportunity for education in his early life. His parents were mostly poor and illiterate- his father a laborer, while his mother was a devout Quaker. Whitman was one of nine children and little is known about his youth except that two of his siblings were imbeciles. No wonder he demonstrated such an insight for life in his poems. In 1830, at the age of eleven, he worked as an office boy for a lawyer, where he learned the printing trade. Whitman would soon take up teaching at various schools in Long Island. He also engaged in carpentry and house building while he edited newspapers. His early years seemed to show an active interest in working with the public. Whitman at one time accepted a job with a New Orleans newspaper, and in doing so exposed himself to a great deal of the country. Getting to New Orleans required traveling over the Cumberland Gap and down rivers, of which he later wrote. America seemed to be both his home and inspiration. In "Calamus", part of his single book, Leaves of Grass, he writes of Louisiana as a "live oak growing", thus showing the joy he felt in everything he saw . In short, Whitman lived trough the nation's heroic age, at a time when people had to be (or seemed to be) a little more than life-size to accomplish all the deeds they undertook. It was natural that Whitman, with his genius and metaphysical inclinations, should have drifted into journalism, a profession that could make some demands on his native endowments. As much as he was a traveler, he was also a man of the people. In one of his reviews, he described himself as"never on platforms amid the crowds of clergymen, or professors, or aldermen, or congressmen- rather down in the bay with pilots in their pilot boats- or off on a cruise with fishers in a fishing smack- or writing on a Broadway omnibus, side by side with the driver- or with a band of loungers over the open grounds of the country- fond of New York and Brooklyn- fond of the life of the great ferries." Whitman obviously felt a kinship with his country, and later exhibited this in his writings. He also was not a man to follow others. "Self-reliant, with haughty eyes, assuming to himself all the attributes of his country, steps Walt Whitman into literature, talking like a man unaware that there was ever hitherto such a production as a book, or such a being as a writer". Whitman's major work, Leaves of Grass, was first published on the fourth of July in 1855. He was thirty-six years old, not yet a published writer, and could not find any company willing to take a chance on his unusual style. His experience in newspapers allowed him to help publish his work himself, even setting up some of the type and distributing the first edition. To get a decent start, Whitman even went so far as to write complimentary unsigned reviews of his book which he had placed in the newspapers- "An American bard at last! "- his own words of his first work, showing his audacity to be well thought of. Whitman wrote only one

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Plant History of the Marvelous Soybean

The Plant History of the Marvelous Soybean Soybean (Glycine max) is believed to have been domesticated from its wild relative Glycine soja, in China between 6,000 and 9,000 years ago, although the specific region is unclear. The problem is, the current geographic range of wild soybeans is throughout East Asia and extending into neighboring regions such as the Russian far east, the Korean peninsula and Japan. Scholars suggest that, as with many other domesticated plants, the process of soybean domestication was a slow one, perhaps taking place over a period of between 1,000-2,000 years. Domesticated and Wild Traits Wild soybeans grow in the form of creepers with many lateral branches, and it has a comparatively longer growing season than the domesticated version, flowering later than cultivated soybean. Wild soybean produces tiny black seeds rather than large yellow ones, and its pods shatter easily, promoting long distance seed dispersal, which farmers generally disapprove of. Domestic landraces are smaller, bushier plants with upright stems; cultivars such as that for edamame have erect and compact stem architecture, high harvest percentages and and high seed yield. Other traits bred in by ancient farmers include pest and disease resistance, increased yield, improved quality, male sterility and fertility restoration; but wild beans are still more adaptive to a wider range of natural environments and are resistant to drought and salt stress. History of Use and Development To date, the earliest documented evidence for the use of Glycine of any kind comes from charred plant remains of wild soybean recovered from Jiahu in Henan province China, a Neolithic site occupied between 9000 and 7800 calendar years ago (cal bp). DNA-based evidence for soybeans has been recovered from the early Jomon component levels of Sannai Maruyama, Japan (ca. 4800-3000 BC). Beans from Torihama in the Fukui prefecture of Japan were AMS dated to 5000 cal bp: those beans are plenty large enough to represent the domestic version. The Middle Jomon [3000-2000 BC) site of Shimoyakebe had soybeans, one of which was AMS dated to between 4890-4960 cal BP. It is considered domestic based on size; soybean impressions on Middle Jomon pots are also significantly larger than wild soybeans. Bottlenecks and the Lack of Genetic Diversity The genome of wild soybeans was reported in 2010 (Kim et al). While most scholars agree that DNA supports a single point of origin, the effect of that domestication has created some unusual characteristics. One readily visible, keen difference between wild and domestic soybean exists: the domestic version has about half the nucleotide diversity than that which is found in wild soybeanthe percentage of loss varies from cultivar to cultivar. A study published in 2015 (Zhao et al.) suggests that the genetic diversity was reduced by 37.5% in the early domestication process, and then another 8.3% in later genetic improvements. According to Guo et al., that might well have been related to Glycine spps ability to self-pollinate. Historical Documentation The earliest historical evidence for soybean use comes from Shang dynasty reports, written sometime between 1700-1100 BC. Whole beans were cooked or fermented into a paste and used in various dishes. By the Song Dynasty (960-1280 AD), soybeans had an explosion of uses; and in the 16th century AD, the beans spread throughout southeast Asia. The first recorded soybean in Europe was in Carolus Linnaeuss Hortus Cliffortianus, compiled in 1737. Soybeans were first grown for ornamental purposes in England and France; in 1804 Yugoslavia, they were grown as a supplement in animal feed. The first documented use in the US was in 1765, in Georgia. In 1917, it was discovered that heating soybean meal made it suitable as livestock feed, which led to the growth of the soybean processing industry. One of the American proponents was Henry Ford, who was interested in both nutritional and industrial use of soybeans. Soy was used to make plastic parts for Fords Model T automobile. By the 1970s, the US supplied 2/3 of the worlds soybeans, and in 2006, the US, Brazil and Argentina grew 81% of the world production. Most of the USA and Chinese crops are used domestically, those in South America are exported to China. Modern Uses Soybeans contain 18% oil and 38% protein: they are unique among plants in that they supply protein equal in quality to animal protein. Today, the main use (about 95%) is as edible oils with the rest for industrial products from cosmetics and hygiene products to paint removers and plastics. The high protein makes it useful for livestock and aquaculture feeds. A smaller percentage is used to make soy flour and protein for human consumption, and an even smaller percentage is used as edamame. In Asia, soybeans are used in a variety of edible forms, including tofu, soymilk, tempeh, natto, soy sauce, bean sprouts, edamame and many others. The creation of cultivars continues, with new versions suitable for growing in different climates (Australia, Africa, Scandinavian countries) and or for developing different traits making soybean suitable for human use as grains or beans, animal consumption as forage or supplements, or industrial uses in the production of soy textiles and papers. Visit the SoyInfoCenter website to learn more about that. Sources This article is a part of the About.com guide to the Plant Domestication, and the Dictionary of Archaeology. Anderson JA. 2012. Evaluation of soybean recombinant inbred lines for yield potential and resistance to Sudden Death Syndrome. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Crawford GW. 2011. Advances in Understanding Early Agriculture in Japan. Current Anthropology 52(S4):S331-S345. Devine TE, and Card A. 2013. Forage soybeans. In: Rubiales D, editor. Legume Perspectives: Soybean: A Dawn to the Legume World. Dong D, Fu X, Yuan F, Chen P, Zhu S, Li B, Yang Q, Yu X, and Zhu D. 2014. Genetic diversity and population structure of vegetable soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in China as revealed by SSR markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(1):173-183. Guo J, Wang Y, Song C, Zhou J, Qiu L, Huang H, and Wang Y. 2010. A single origin and moderate bottleneck during domestication of soybean (Glycine max): implications from microsatellites and nucleotide sequences. Annals of Botany 106(3):505-514. Hartman GL, West ED, and Herman TK. 2011. Crops that feed the World 2. Soybean- worldwide production, use, and constraints caused by pathogens and pests. Food Security 3(1):5-17. Kim MY, Lee S, Van K, Kim T-H, Jeong S-C, Choi I-Y, Kim D-S, Lee Y-S, Park D, Ma J et al. 2010. Whole-genome sequencing and intensive analysis of the undomesticated soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(51):22032-22037. Li Y-h, Zhao S-c, Ma J-x, Li D, Yan L, Li J, Qi X-t, Guo X-s, Zhang L, He W-m et al. 2013. Molecular footprints of domestication and improvement in soybean revealed by whole genome re-sequencing. BMC Genomics 14(1):1-12. Zhao S, Zheng F, He W, Wu H, Pan S, and Lam H-M. 2015. Impacts of nucleotide fixation during soybean domestication and improvement. BMC Plant Biology 15(1):1-12. Zhao Z. 2011. New Archaeobotanic Data for the Study of the Origins of Agriculture in China. Current Anthropology 52(S4):S295-S306.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biography of Marcel Duchamp, Modern Art Revolutionary

Biography of Marcel Duchamp, Modern Art Revolutionary The French-American artist Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) was an innovator, working across mediums such as painting, sculpture, collages, short films, body art, and found objects. Known as both a pioneer and a troublemaker, Duchamp is associated with several modern art movements, including  Dadaism,  Cubism, and  Surrealism, and is credited for paving the way for  Pop,  Minimal, and Conceptual art. Fast Facts: Marcel Duchamp Full Name: Marcel Duchamp, also known as Rrose Sà ©lavyOccupation: ArtistBorn:  July 28, 1887 in Blainville, Normandy, FranceParents Names: Eugene and Lucie DuchampDied: October 2, 1968 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, FranceEducation: One year of school at the Ecole des Beaux Artes in Paris (flunked out)Famous Quotes: The painting is no longer a decoration to be hung in the dining room or living room. We have thought of other things to use as decoration. Early Years Duchamp was born on July 28, 1887, the fourth child of seven born to Lucie and Eugene Duchamp. His father was a notary, but there was art in the family. Two of Duchamps elder brothers were successful artists: the painter Jacques Villon (1875–1963) and the sculptor Raymond Duchamp-Villon (1876–1918). In addition, Duchamps mother Lucie was an amateur artist and his grandfather was an engraver. When Duchamp came of age, Eugene willingly supported his son Marcels career in art. Duchamp made his first painting,  Church in Blainville, at  the age of 15, and  enrolled in the Academie Jullian at Pariss École des Beaux-Arts. In a series of interviews published after his death, Duchamp is quoted as saying he couldnt remember any of the teachers he had, and that he spent the mornings playing billiards rather than going to the studio. He ended up flunking out after one year. From Cubism to Dadaism to Surrealism Duchamps artistic life spanned several decades, during which he reinvented his art time and again, often offending critics sensibilities along the way. Duchamp spent most of those years alternating between Paris and New York. He mingled with the New York art scene, forging close friendships with American artist  Man Ray, historian Jacques Martin Barzun, writer Henri-Pierre Rochà ©, composer Edgar Varà ¨se, and painters Francisco Picabia and Jean Crotti, among others.   Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2 (1912). Public domain. ​ Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 2)  deeply offended the Cubists, because although it selected the color palette and form of Cubism, it added a reference to explicit perpetual motion and was seen as a dehumanized rendering of the female nude. The painting also created a big scandal at the 1913 New York Armory Show of Europe, after which Duchamp was heartily embraced by the New York crowd of Dadaists. Marcel Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel (1913). Dan Kitwood / Getty Images Bicycle Wheel  (1913) was the first of Duchamps readymades: primarily manufactured objects with one or two minor tweaks to the form. In Bicycle Wheel, the fork and wheel of a bicycle are mounted on a stool. The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even  or  The Large Glass  (1915–1923) is a two-paned glass window with an image assembled out of lead foil, fuse wire, and dust. The upper panel illustrates an insect-like bride and the lower panel features the silhouettes of nine suitors, shooting their attention in her direction. The work broke during shipment in 1926; Duchamp repaired it about a decade later, saying, Its a lot better with the breaks. DidBaroness Elsa SubmitThe Fountain? Marcel Duchamp, The Fountain (1916). Photographed by Alfred Stieglitz. Public domain. There is a rumor that  The Fountain  was not submitted to New York Independents Art Show by Duchamp, but rather by the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, another Dada artist who played with gender and performance art and was among the more outrageous characters of the New York art scene. While the original is long gone, there are 17 copies in different museums around the world, all assigned to Duchamp. After Renouncing Art Marcel Duchamp, Etant donnes (1946-1966). Mixed media assemblage.  © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Succession Marcel Duchamp. Fair use. In 1923, Duchamp publicly renounced art, saying he would spend his life on chess. He was very good at chess and was on several French chess tournament teams. More or less secretly, however, he continued work from 1923 to 1946 under the name Rrose Sà ©lavy. He also continued to produce readymades. Etant donnes  was Duchamps last work. He made it in secret and wanted it shown only after his death. The work consists of a wooden door set in a brick frame. Inside the door are two peepholes, through which the viewer can see a deeply disturbing scene of a naked woman lying on a bed of twigs and holding a lit gaslight. The Turkish artist Serkan Ãâ€"zkaya has suggested that the female figure in Etant donnes is, in some respects, a self-portrait of Duchamp, an idea also put forward in 2010 by artist Meeka Walsh in an essay in BorderCrossings.   Marriage andPersonal Life Duchamp described his mother as distant and cold and indifferent, and he felt that she preferred his younger sisters to him, a preference that had a profound effect on his self-esteem. Although he presented himself as cool and detached in interviews, some biographers believe that his art reflects the strenuous efforts he made to deal with his silent rage and unmet need for erotic closeness. Duchamp was married twice and had a long-term mistress. He also had a female alter ego, Rrose Sà ©lavy, whose name translates to Eros, such is life. Death and Legacy Marcel Duchamp died at his home in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France on October 2, 1968. He was buried in Rouen under the epitaph, Dailleurs, cest toujours les autres qui meurent (Besides, its always the others who die). To this day, he is remembered as one of the great innovators in modern art. He invented new ways of thinking about what art can be and radically transformed ideas about culture. Sources Cabanne, Pierre.  Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp. Trans. Padgett, Ron. London: Thames and Hudson, 1971. Print.Duchamp, Marcel, Rrose Sà ©lavy, and Ann Temkin. Of or By.  Grand Street  58 (1996): 57–72. Print.Frizzell, Nell. Duchamp and the Pissoir-Taking Sexual Politics of the Art World. The Guardian November 7 2014. Web.Giovanna, Zapperi. Marcel Duchamps Tonsure: Towards an Alternate Masculinity.  Oxford Art Journal  30.2 (2007): 291–303. Print.James, Carol Plyley. Marcel Duchamp, Naturalized American. The French Review 49.6 (1976): 1097–105. Print.Mershaw, Marc. Now You See Him, Now You Don’t: Duchamp From Beyond the Grave. The New York Times Sept. 29, 2017. Web.Paijmans, Door Theo. Het Urinoir Is Niet Van Duchamp (The iconic Fountain (1917) is not created by Marcel Duchamp).  See All This  10 (2018). Print.Pape, Gerard J. Marcel Duchamp.  American Imago  42.3 (1985): 255–67. Print.Rosenthal, Nan. Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968 ).  Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. The Metropolitan Museum 2004. Web. Spalding, Julian, and Glyn Thompson.  Did Marcel Duchamp Steal Elsas Urinal?  The Art Newspaper  262 (2014). Print.Speyer, A. James. Marcel Duchamp Exhibition.  Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago  (1973–1982) 68.1 (1974): 16–19. Print.Walsh, Meeka. The Gaze and the Guess: Fixing Identity in â€Å"Étant donnà ©s.† BorderCrossings 114. Web.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kachin Insurgency in Myanmar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kachin Insurgency in Myanmar - Essay Example Thus, in this regard, the department of defense defines the current insurgency as an organized opposition movement that employs subversion, incapacitation and armed conflict to realize its objectives (Bortnyk). Therefore, insurgencies usually seek to overthrow the recurrent social order by altering power within a nation. A number of factors contribute to an insurgency in various occurrences but often political power is the primary issue in both insurgencies and counterinsurgencies with each faction aiming at gaining a people’s patronage. Major contributors are economic deprivation, poor governance and lack of government legitimacy. For instance, economic deprivation leads to poverty that leaves young men with fewer options in life or less to lose; thus, leaving them with no choice but to join insurgent groups (Bortnyk). In addition, poverty leads to increased crimes, a premonition of a population’s desensitization to lawlessness and aggression, which creates an illegal market in support of insurgencies (Army). That notwithstanding, most repressive systems of governances deny second or alternative voices from surfacing to question or criticize government operations and activities; thus leaving oppositions and alternative resort to insurgency to force the government to deliver on its mandate or to relinquish power. Thus, with the above understanding, this paper features the insurgency efforts of the Kachin Independence Army and its affiliates such as Myanmar military. The study focuses on the history of movements with no choice but to resort to insurgency. Lastly, besides governance, governments are expected to provide their citizens with security, justice, economic needs and allow space for ideology sharing (Aylwin-Foster and Army). Therefore, failure to provide such services to citizens, they often the Myanmar insurgency, the underlying causes, the army’s tactics and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How does the US Constitution address the grievances enumerated in the Essay

How does the US Constitution address the grievances enumerated in the declaration of independence - Essay Example The agitation and tremendous sense of revolt among the Americans paved the way for the development of the first Continental Congress in September, 1774. During the first congress which included representatives from all the colonies except than that of Georgia gathered together and decided on the development of several actions followed by the complete boycott of the British commodities. The First Congress also drafted a written declaration to the King as well as the Parliament defines the position of the congress which is known as the Declaration of the Rights and Grievances. On September 7, 1774, the Congress appointed a committee with two delegates from each colony in attendance. The duty of the committee was defined in the constitution as â€Å"That a Committee be appointed  to state  the rights of the  Colonies  in general, the several instances in which these rights are violated or infringed, and the means most proper to be pursued for obtaining a restoration of them" (Declaration and Resolves on Colonial rights of the First Continental Congress, 2012). The committee read the drafts of the rights of the colonies and the draft of the grievances and the final draft were agreed on October 14, 1774 (Declaration and Resolves on Colonial rights of the First Continental Congress, 2012). . The paper will discuss the way in which the US constitution addresses t he grievances enumerated in the declaration of independence. ... The Declaration of Independence incorporated a list of grievances against King George III of Britain (Founding documents). The grievances mainly pointed out or bases upon some ideologies that the king is a tyrant, the king deprived the colonists of the right of trial by jury, the king imposed taxes on the colonists without their assent, the king dissolved the process of legislatures and the king kept standing armies in colonies in times of peace (Grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence). Majority of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence formed the base for the rights which are protected in the First Amendment and the entire Bill of Right in the US constitution. The First Amendment formed the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights which guarantees the basic rights of speech, religion, assembly and petition. The First Amendment exhibits the basic framework which guarantees the citizens of America with the other rights that follow it. In the present day the Bi ll of Rights consists of 27 amendments. However there are still huge amount of debate regarding the meaning and limitations of the freedoms (Founding documents). Addressing of grievances by the US Constitution With regards to taxes, the Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 states that the Congress will have the power to lay and collect the taxes, duties, imposts and excised for the purpose of paying debts and also provide for the common person's defense and general welfare of the United States along with the establishment that all the duties, imposts, excises should be uniform throughout the United States of America (The Founder’s Constitution). King has been accused â€Å"For cutting off our Trade with all parts of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Brief Look at the Distribution of Soda Essay Example for Free

A Brief Look at the Distribution of Soda Essay The third element of the marketing mix is place or also called distribution. Distribution is described as the movement of goods and services from the source through the distribution channel, right up to the final consumer and the movement of payment in the opposite direction, right up to the original producer. Distribution is a very significant aspect of the marketing mix; it can decide whether a small business can compete with the big businesses. Distribution takes a major role in the growth stage of the product life cycle due to its ability to not only help sell the product, but to also allow their product to advertise itself. If a company focuses mainly on promotion and never really sets up a good distribution channel, their efforts will be lost due to the lack of ease for a consumer to purchase their product. Even the perfect product, attractively priced and ingeniously promoted, cannot be sold without a means of distributing it to consumers (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.297). Distribution Channel A distribution channel is the sequence of firms that sell, buy, or hold products as those products move from manufacturers and producers to end buyers (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.297). Every channel must have at least two members or levels. These levels are the producer or seller, and the user or buyer. There are also two different kinds of members that are known as middlemen, these middlemen are known as retailers and wholesalers. The distribution channel is and will remain a problematic marketing subfunction for most firms because of the built-in conflicts between manufacturer and reseller (Bonoma, pg.49). Manufacturers must work through these different channels to attain diverse markets to reach their ultimate goal; provide their customers with what they want, where they want it, and when they want it. Orange Crush Soda An example would be the soft drink business and how they manage to distribute their product through the different channels so that they are able to distribute in large areas. An enormous consumer goods company, known as Procter and Gamble, decided in 1980 to buy Crush, a soft drink business, with intent to try and compete with Coke, Pepsi, and other large soft drink businesses. Procter and Gamble were famous for being a leader in a great  many product categories because of their marketing powerhouse. P G remained at a serious disadvantage with its big competitors and the difference was distribution. The large soft drink companies had well-established networks of bottlers around the country who mix the products in quantity and distribute them to sellers in their area (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.296). P G had the capacity to manufacture their soft drinks in large quantities and were able to promote their product well, but lacked the resources to help them distribute their resources arou nd the country. Logistics and Supply-Chain Management Logistics and supply-chain management are part of the distribution strategy. Logistics is the process of coordinating the flow of information, goods, and services among members of the distribution channel (Kurtz, pg.416). Supply-chain management is the control of purchasing, processing, and delivery through which raw materials are transformed into products and made available to final consumers (Kurtz, pg. 416). Manufacturers use these kinds of companies to distribute their product to other parts of the country instead of trying to establish new manufacturing buildings their self. Kane is Able is a logistics company who concentrates on beverage warehousing and logistics. They have 6 warehouses across the United States, which makes it easier for them to distribute across a wide area. KANE works with Coca-Cola to help distribute their product. They use physical distribution to focus on customer satisfaction, inventory control, materials handling, protective packaging, order processing, and warehousing. Well-planned marketing channels and effective logistics and supply-chain management provide ultimate users with convenient ways for obtaining the goods and services they desire (Kurtz, pg. 416). High Costs of Distribution Middlemen are business firms that help the company find customers or make sales to them (Kotler Armstrong, pg.118). Middlemen or resellers make it easier for a company because a soda bottling company can work with a logistics company; such as Kane is Able, who will keep their product in stock, package their product, distribute it around the country, and even promote their product. These services have never been cheap and have actually increased because manufacturers no longer have small, independent  middlemen. Instead they now face large and growing middlemen who have great power to dictate terms or shut the manufacturer out of large markets. Critics charge that there are too many middlemen or that middlemen are inefficient, provide unnecessary or duplicate services, and practice poor management and planning (Kotler Armstrong, pg.520). Consequently, distribution costs are high and consumers end up paying higher prices. Jones Soda Jones Soda is a company who started out in the beverage world as a distributor in western Canada and eventually established itself as a full line beverage manufacturer. Jones was able to utilize its experience and knowledge gained in the distribution industry to create some of its own brands. Jones Soda Co. placed its own coolers in some truly unique venues, such as skate, surf and snowboarding shops, tattoo and piercing parlors, as well as in individual fashion stores and national retail clothing and music stores. Once they were able to execute these means of distribution they began to place their product in convenience and food stores, and eventually in larger chain stores such as Starbucks, Panera Bread, Barnes Noble, Safeway, Target, Cost Plus, Meijers, Winn-Dixies stores, Albertson’s, and 7-Eleven stores. Vertical Marketing Systems Unlike conventional channels, vertical marketing systems are preplanned and centrally managed distribution networks (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.300). The three different categories of vertical marketing systems are corporate, contractual, and administered systems. Coke and Pepsi are examples of administered vertical marketing systems. Administered systems involve comprehensive merchandising programs that are developed and agreed to by both the manufacturer, or sometimes wholesaler, and the retailer (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.305). It would be foolish if Coke or Pepsi were to open a store that only sells its product, because it sells best when offered with other products. In an administered system Coke would achieve coordination in the channel through support of other channel members rather than through ownership or contractual agreement. In order for Coke to succeed with an administered system it must be based on mutual respect and understanding. Suppliers recognize the problems, goals, and policies of retailers, while  the retailers respect the manufacturer’s capabilities (Russ Kirkpatrick, pg.305). Conclusion The soda companies that make the most profit are the companies that have a well-established plan for distributing their product. Soda manufacturers must realize that in order to be the best they are going to need help distributing their product. It is a team effort to move a product from a manufacturer, to a retailer, and then to a consumer. There are many different channels available to take in order to reach a consumer, but in the end soda companies will need the help from middlemen in order to compete with big businesses and to become one of the best. References Bonoma, T. V. (1985). The marketing edge. New York, NY: The Free Press. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (1987). Marketing: An introduction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc. Kurtz, D. L. (2008). Contemporary marketing. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Russ, A. R., Kirkpatrick, C. A. (1982). Marketing. Canada: Little Brown Company.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Preferences of Gender Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Preferences of Gender Some might argue that there is a difference in the parenting of a boy compared to that of a girl. However true this may be, one must recognize and disregard the sexist implications that have been portrayed for generations. Girls are often said to be easily content and depicted as â€Å"brave and tough†. One might be surprised to find that a little girl could be just as interested in playing with a football as she would a Barbie doll if given the opportunity. This simply demonstrates the nonsexist choice of a toy that the girl has made. There are, without a doubt, many differences and different needs in raising a boy than a girl. These differences, however, do not exhibit the difficulties it takes to raise a boy compared to that of a girl. These miniscule, however, significant issues of undoubted sexism are the very grounds for why one might argue that having a boy would be easier than having a girl. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a little boy after already having a little girl, or vice versa, but why not want to experience both ways of parenting, since both parenting factors demonstrate hardly any difference. The question at hand now is whether or not choosing the sex of the child is so important that one would be willing to expel the pleasures of intimacy, in turn for a prenatal test that involves needles, implantations, and third party, the doctor. Where has the romance gone? Couples are free to choose how many children they have, when they want to have them and whether to terminated unwanted pregnancies, thus why should couples not be free to choose the sex of their child? The argument is that by leaving the sex up to the parents the sex ratio in the population will eventua... ...passed the age conceivability. In conclusion, one can see that the gender preference among couples in today’s society is a boy rather than a girl, more so, for personal reasons rather than scientific. The two articles were extremely informative and interesting. They state many facts as to why one might choose to want to have a boy rather than a girl. Personally, I would be completely content with just a healthy baby, no matter the gender. In a religious stand-point, God blesses you with what he sees fit for you. His decision is not based upon what you think is best for yourself. Works Cited Malpani, Aniruddha. â€Å"Why shouldn’t couples by free to choose the sex of their baby?† Reproductive Health Matter. V10. i19. (May 2002). 192 (2) Steinbock, Bonnie. â€Å"Sex Selection: not obviously wrong.† The Hastings Center Report. V32. i1. (2002). 23 (7)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sample Speech

â€Å"Celebrity Culture has gone too far† Write a speech in which you attempt to persuade an audience that today’s obsession with the lives of the rich and famous has gone too far. Why are we so fascinated by the people who make no impact what-so-ever on our lives? Why do we go mad when some rich and famous person makes headlines in the newspapers and magazines for getting drunk at parties or for breaking up with their new boyfriend or girlfriend? Why do we consider these events as a big deal and try to follow up on all the news about it?Aren’t these so-called celebrities normal ordinary people just like each one of us? However, it is right to say that all of us idolize them, follow their every move, and treat them as modern gods. I can honestly say that there is no one sitting in front of me, who never had an obsession with a celebrity before in their life. Good Afternoon ladies and gentleman, teachers and my fellow students; my name is Sinjumol Sunny and today, I will be talking about how our obsession with celebrity culture has gone too far.Do you think our obsessions are far beyond what they should be? Well, I certainly believe it has crossed its limits a long time ago. We live in a world full of new technologies, which gives us an unlimited access to the tabloids more than ever before. We have televisions, magazines, Internet blogs andsocial networking sites that are filled with enormous amounts of images and news of the world-wide known celebrities. We are at a time where we have more contact with celebrity gossip than we have had ever before.However, we are now faced with a question: what are the effects that these superstars have on us? I strongly believe that celebrities influence fans to be devastatingly thin, to get drunk and be high on drugs and they create a stereotypical image of perfection. Celebrities have become a terrible role model for many young people like us. Figures show that 77% of the peoplein this world believe tha t celebrities have too much of an influence on young girls. This effect isclear in the appearance and attitudes of young girls around us.They try to imitate the celebrity fashion and follow the latest trends. We have all seen girls as young as ten or twelve years old go around wearing tight clothing and mini skits. They spend hours working out to achieve a size zero figure. There is also a vast amount of girls who starve themselves every day or go on very unhealthy diets just to look like the stereotypical images created by the media and the celebrities.According to the National Institute on the media and the family,40% of nine and ten  year-olds had tried losing weight. This is totally outrageous and these young girls are getting influenced from celebrities like Madonna and Cheryl Cole who have gone too far with their size zero or even double zero figures. It annoys me to see celebrities who are constantly trying to out-skinny each other while this makes the average woman left fe eling very conscious about their own figures. I strongly believe that this size zero trend needs to stop and people should be much more responsible about their health especially young girls.With celebrities creating impossible standards of beauty of goddesses, more and more young adults are feeling less confident, angrier, and more dissatisfied with their looks. Without doubt our obsession with the rich and famous celebrities has gone too far. It has gone past the stage that we are even risking our health and lives to follow them. I was shocked to hear that people are willing to hurt themselves because they are willing to do anything for their obsession. We all have seen the hash tags #cutforbieber trending on Twitter.Although it started as a joke, it was surprisingto see so many young girls actually harming themselves. I believe that self-harming is not a fashion or statement. It's a sign that young people are experiencing extreme distress and need help. Another example of how our obsession with celebrity culture has gone too far is when I see people having their bodies filled with tattoos of their favourite celebrities. Although having one or two is acceptable, seeing One Direction fans with around 70 tattoos on them is without doubt crossing the line.Celebrities often get bizarre tattoos to be in the spotlight. We all know the large scaled tattoo that Cheryl Cole has on her back and Harry Style with countless numbers of tattoos on his body. Many fans are getting the identical tattoos. I believe this is really senselessand people need to be original and if you are putting any tattoo on your body, make it something special to you and something meaningful, rather than a copy of your favourite celebrity tattoo because you have an obsession on them. I believe that celebrity culture has pretty much taken over lives.It is alarming to know that celebrity news often takes the headlines in newspapers and channels above world events. Recently, the news of the birth of Prince George has received huge coverage in the papers so much thatthose important issues that were happening at the time such as the Syria crisis were overshadowed with the news of the new-born Prince. Also the death of Princesses Diana had been due to our obsession of celebrity culture going out of control. Shedied due to a high speed getaway from the reporters and paparazzi that came after her.Although the French courts ruled that photographers were not responsible for her death, it is a known fact that they were an inevitable source to her death and we had a major loss of a very beautiful and humble princess and great role model. It is clearly understood that our obsession with the rich and famous had a cost on us, and on them. Let me ask you a question. Who is your role model? I’m sure almost 90% of you have thought of a celebrity’s name. But are they really and truly the person you want to turn out to be. It is a known fact that many celebrities take drugs.We se e them getting high in leaked pictured of private parties and even some showing up drunk at concerts and public functions. It is shameful to think that we are also following what they do and putting our lives at risk. Drinking alcohol and taking drugs seems to be acceptable to many people because their celebrity role models are taking them. However we also do need to think about people such as Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse who have passed away due to the high intake of drugs. We also see celebrities going into rehabilitation centre because they are so dependent on it.Do we want to turn out like them? On a final note, let us rise up now and stop letting celebrity culture teach us what to do. Let’s be original, and be the person that we truly are inside. Today’s obsession with the lives of the rich and famous has gone too far. Let us stop it there before it gets too late and out of hand. Let’s do it together. We’ve heard what we have to do. We’ve seen what we need to do. Now is the time to do it, and, together, we can stop our obsession with celebrity culture. Thank you,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Advocacy Case Study Essay

In this article it speaks about how teachers within the Atlanta Public School System have become the greatest advocates for their students. The author says that one of the greatest blessings of his professional life is the opportunity that he has to speak with hundreds and hundreds of his Special Education colleagues. Before and after his seminars, Lavoie has had conversations and discussions with countless teachers from coast to coast and everywhere in between. These conversations have truly been a joy, and these on-the-fly exchanges has given him an updated perspective on the changes and challenges in America’s classrooms. These conversations are an ongoing source of information and inspiration for Lavoie. They have confirmed his long-held belief that some of the finest people on the planet are toiling daily in America’s classroom and particularly within Special Education programs. Most of the conversations amongst the teachers are reassuring and reinforcing, but occa sionally there are conversations that are troubling and disheartening. The disturbing conversations remind Lavoie that the inclusion battles of the 1970s continue in many American school districts and that the rights of struggling kids continue to be violated and ignored. Lavoie worked as a school administrator for thirty years and has always felt that teachers’ willingness to defend and advocate for students should be encouraged and reinforced not discouraged and criticized. One of the most sacred responsibilities of a Special Education teacher is to advocate for his/ her students and their needs. We need to be voices for the voiceless. Regardless of grade level. For the past several years, Lavoie have delivered a seminar entitled â€Å"Other People’s Kids: The Ethics of Special Education.† In this workshop, he outlines a dozen basic ethical tenets that must be understood and followed by those of us who toil in the vineyards of Special Education. These tenets involve confidentiality, collaboration and parental interactions. But the main emphasis of the workshop is the premise that â€Å"The professional’s PRIMARY loyalty and commitment is to the CHILD.† Be an advocate for your students. If you don’t who will. In a perfect world, no teacher should be criticized for defending, protecting, or advocating for a child. But, the world is imperfect and teachers often find that they are asked to compromise students’ servi ces in order to maintain budgets and other real-world  constraints. Teachers face this conundrum daily. But as we all know some things that are simple are not always easy. Teachers are encouraged to please be the number one advocate for your students. References Lavoie, R. (2014). Fighting The Good Fight. How to Advocate for Your Students without losing your job.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Up and Down Phrasal English Verbs

Up and Down Phrasal English Verbs Phrasal verbs formed with up and down are used to indicate increases and decreases in a number of qualities. Each use is indicated by a specific general quality followed by a synonymous verb or short definition. There are two example sentences for each phrasal verb with up or down. Heres an example: Up Increase in ValueDown Decrease in Value to put up (S) to raiseThe supermarket put coffee prices up in January. to bring down (S) to reduceThe recession brought profits down sharply. Remember that phrasal verbs can be either separable or inseparable (review separable inseparable phrasal verbs). Each phrasal verb is also marked as separable (S) or inseparable (I). In the case that verbs are separable, examples will use the separable form of the phrasal verb. For inseparable phrasal verbs, examples keep the phrasal verbs together. Phrasal Verbs With Up Up Increase in Value to put up (S) to raise Well have to put our prices up to compete.Have they put the price of corn up recently? to go up (I) to increase The price of gas went up in March.Our rent went up in January. Up Increase in Size to bring up (S) to raise (usually children) They brought their children up to be responsible adults.Were bringing up two children. to grow up (I) to become older Youve grown up since I last saw you.The children grew up so fast. Up Increase in Speed to speed up (I) to go faster in a vehicle He quickly sped up to sixty miles an hour.His motorcycle can speed up to 100 quickly. to hurry up (I) to do something faster, to get ready faster Could you please hurry up?!Ill hurry up and finish this report. Up Increase in Heat to heat up (S) to make hotter Ill heat the soup up for lunch.What should I heat up for dinner? to warm up (S) to make hotter Ill warm this soup up for lunch.Would you like me to warm your tea up? Up Increase in Happiness, Excitement to cheer up (S) to make someone happier Can you cheer Tim up?I think we need to cheer them up with a song or two. to liven up (S) to make something more fun Lets liven this party up with a game.We need to liven this meeting up. Up Increase Sound to turn up (S) to raise the volume Please turn the radio up.I like to turn the stereo up when nobody is home. to speak up (I) to speak with a stronger voice You need to speak up for people to understand you.Please speak up in this room. Up Increase in Strength to build up (S) to increase over time Its important to build your muscle strength up over time.Theyve built up an impressive stock portfolio. to pick up (I) to improve over time My health has picked up over the past few days.The stock market has picked up recently. Phrasal Verbs With Down Down Decrease in Value to bring down (S) to reduce They bring down prices after Christmas.The summer brought heating oil prices down. to go down (I) to decrease The value of the house went down during the recession.Gas prices have gone down dramatically over the past few months. to cut down (S) to reduce the value of Weve cut our research and development budget down significantly.Theyve cut their investments down to half. Down Decrease in Speed to slow down (I) to reduce your speed Slow down when you drive into town.My car slowed down and stopped at the intersection. Down Decrease in Temperature to cool down (S) to a lower temperature Youll cool down after you stop exercising.This cool towel will cool you down. Down Decrease in Excitement to cool down (S) to relax I need to take a moment to cool down.Tom should cool his friend down so we can continue the meeting. to calm down (S) to make less excited I calmed the children down with a movie.It took him a while to calm down after the meeting. Down Decrease in Volume to turn down (S) to reduce the volume Could you please turn that music down?I think you should turn the volume down on the radio. to keep down (S) to remain soft Please keep your voices down in the library.Id like you to keep it down in this room. to quieten down (S) to encourage someone to become quieter Could you please quieten your children down?Id like you to quieten the class down. Down Reduce Strength to water down (S) to reduce the strength of something (often alcohol) Could you water this martini down?You need to water down your argument.

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Example for Free

A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay ? The grandmother identifies herself as a southern lady based on appearance, money, and background. She is the main character in this short story and also the only character that the narrator actually shows into the mind of. The grandmother is the reason for the title of this story because she repeats throughout the story about a â€Å"good man†, when there really is no good man in this whole story. The grandmother also is used in many ways to foreshadow the upcoming events in the story; such as â€Å"In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady† (O’Connor 354) The grandmother is identified by appearance in that she compares the way she is dressed to the way the mother is dressed. The mother is told to be dressed in â€Å"slacks and still had her green kerchief† and the grandmother describes herself as having â€Å"on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print† (O’Connor 354). She wanted to make sure that â€Å"anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady† (O’Connor 354). Money is something important to the grandmother that we can also identify her by. The grandmother thought very highly of Mr. Teagarden because she says that June Star â€Å"would have done well to marry Mr. Teagarden because he was a gentleman and had bought Coca-Cola stock when it first came out and that he had died only a few years ago, a very wealthy man† (O’Connor 355). Red Sam is a â€Å"good man† in the grandmother’s eyes, which is probably because he is a wealthy owner of his own store (O’Connor 356). Where the grandmother is from and how she is raised is also a big part in identifying her. In the beginning of the story, the grandmother describes how she wants to go to Tennessee for their vacation instead of Georgia. When John Wesley says something about it, the grandmother gets defensive over where she grew up, she says to him â€Å"I wouldn’t talk about my native country that way† (O’Connor 354). Later in the story, the mother goes to a jukebox and plays â€Å"The Tennessee Waltz† kind of just to rub it in to the grandmother  that they were not, in fact, going to Tennessee. Another time in the story, the grandmother says that she recognizes where they were while on the way to Georgia. But it turns out, she was just recalling when she was in Tennessee â€Å"when she was a young lady† (O’Connor 357). Flannery O’Connor is such a good author, and that shows especially in this piece. She identifies the grandmother through appearance, money, and background. Appearance, such as the way she compares herself to the mother, how she talks about how Mr. Teagarden was â€Å"very-good looking†, and talking about the Misfit’s crew and their attire. The grandmother identifies herself as a southern lady based on appearance, money, and background. She is the main character in this short story and also the only character that the narrator actually shows into the mind of. The grandmother is the reason for the title of this story because she repeats throughout the story about a â€Å"good man†, when there really is no good man in this whole story. The grandmother also is used in many ways to foreshadow the upcoming events in the story; such as â€Å"In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.† The grandmother is identified by appearance in that she compares the way she is dressed to the way the mother is dressed. The mother is told to be dressed in â€Å"slacks and still had her green kerchief† and the grandmother describes herself as having â€Å"on a navy blue straw sailor hat with a bunch of white violets on the brim and a navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print.† She wanted to make sure that â€Å"anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.† Money is something important to the grandmother that we can also identify her by. The grandmother thought very highly of Mr. Teagarden because she says that June Star â€Å"would have done well to marry Mr. Teagarden because he was a gentleman and had bought Coca-Cola stock when it first came out and that he had died only a few years ago, a very wealthy man.† Red Sam is a â€Å"good man† in the grandmother’s eyes, which is probably because he is a wealthy owner of his own store. Where the grandmother is from and how she is raised is also a big part in identifying her. In the beginning of the story, the grandmother describes how she wants to go to Tennessee for their vacation instead of Georgia. When John Wesley says something about it, the grandmother gets defensive over where she grew up, she says to him â€Å"I wouldn’t talk about my native country that way.† Later in the story, the mother goes to a jukebox and plays â€Å"The Tennessee Waltz† kind of just to rub it in to the grandmother that they were not, in fact, going to Tennessee. Another time in the story, the grandmother says that she recognizes where they were while on the way to Georgia. But it turns out, she was just recalling when she was in Tennessee â€Å"when she was a young lady.† Flannery O’Connor is such a good author, and that shows especially in this piece. She identifies the grandmother through appearance, money, and background. Works Cited: O’Connor, Flannery. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.† Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. X.J. Kennedy and Gioias eds. Pearson: New York, 2012. 352-365. Print. A Good Man is Hard to Find. (2016, Mar 01).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 17

Marketing - Essay Example These strategies are divided broadly into strategic scope and strategic strength. 2 A strategic scope relates to the demand of the products or the services that the company deals in and it focuses on the demand size and the component of the market. Strategic strength focuses on the supply of the products or services. Porter then came up with three strategies that reduced the broadness and the ambiguity of the previous strategies; these strategies included cost leadership, differentiation and market segmentation. The three strategies are drawn in a cube with the focus strategy being in the narrow segment and the other two being relatively broad.3 According to Porter, companies that gain a competitive advantage are those that strive to combine the three strategies effectively. Market segmentation can be combined with the differentiation strategy and ripe the company very effective results. Combinations of the strategies that are grouped in the broad category of the cube are a bit difficult to combine but that does not mean that they do not take place. Segmenting the market into niches helps the company to scope itself, increase the concept of demand and increase the company’s market share. Market segments also affect the strategies that relate to innovation and give the company the edge technology. This is because reducing the size of the market gives the company the specialization of the market and therefore, a chance to concentrate on aspects of improved technology. This presents the company as the pioneers of innovation. A multi-dimensional approach is a kind of approach where the company incorporates all the variables of market segmentation in coming up with its niches. These variables are broadly divided into; geographic variables, demographic variables, psychographic variables and behavioral variables.4 2.1 Geographic Variables – this is the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Employment Relations Environment in France Essay

The Employment Relations Environment in France - Essay Example France is characterized by heterogeneous employment relations prevailing in different firms, yet unionization has achieved significant status and recognition in the country (â€Å"Eurofound†). The French government has provided full legislative and legal support to its workforce in the form of strict and enforceable laws. Essential elements of French employment relations structure are: Employment is provided on written contract based agreements and minimal wages are authorized. Employment is also guaranteed and no worker can be thrown out of a job without sound reasons. Employees are also guaranteed sick and paid leaves with maternity leaves for women in addition. France is faced with many serious problems and challenges with respect to its employment relations structure due to some inherent shortcomings and governance loopholes which are discussed as below (Jenkins 17): There is no provision of either insurance or hygienic working conditions. In addition to this, women do not get proper representation in the workplace as they should get. The communication gap between management and union with respect to recruitment policy and other information details is a common problem. Collective bargaining is a well known and established tool of dispute and grievance handling which is not implemented in its entirety in France. People are either not aware of their roles or possess little knowledge of the legislative remedies available to them. Employees feel fearful of losing their job and so do not raise their voice and similarly, managers are hesitant in delegating decision making authority to others to avoid any hassles. This has resulted in many stark conflicts and battles between union and management in bigger firms.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Physical Education and Academic Achievement Research Proposal

Physical Education and Academic Achievement - Research Proposal Example Students shall be divided into two groups: A physical education class and an academic-oriented class. This division shall occur for both 7th and 8th classes which indicate that there shall be four groups. Each group shall be compared from each other thru instruments detailed in later sections. The groups shall be observed weekly and shall be made to undergo a Physical Fitness Test immediately followed by Academic tests. Expected time frame is 3 months. In effect, the data shall provide two results: 1) whether exposure or non-exposure to physical education affects academic performance and 2) how the intensity of physical activity itself affects academic performance Covariant data shall be constructed for fifth categories. First is the family income where students shall be classified into families having $20000, $20001-60000, $60001-75000 and >$75000. These categories are based on National Statistical Socio Demographic profile which attaches corresponding ability to provide for educational materials with the amount of annual income. Second is the child's ethnicity where the participants shall be classified as: a) White, non-Hispanic, b) Black, non-Hispanic, c) Hispanic and d) other. Third is the previous academic background and performance. Fourth is the any additional educational support system specifically the amount of time a mother devotes to educate their children. The last is the amount of physical activity that the student experiences outside of the school. All data for these categories shall be obtained from parents, guardians and the students themselves. Classroom teachers shall be enlisted to produce reports regarding the number of times that students participated in physical education. The reporting process shall be from 0 (never) to the number of times like 3 times per day. Correspondingly, the teachers shall also indicate the total minutes per day that the sample population were engaged in physical education activities. It shall start from 0 with increments of 15 minutes (1-15, 16-30 with the last choice being >60). The data shall be categorized and labelled as low (0-30 minutes per week), medium (30-60 minutes per week) and high (70-300 minutes per week). At the end of every week, the students shall be made to undergo a Physical Fitness Test (PFT) in the morning and an Academics test in the afternoon. The PFT seeks to identify six aspects of fitness namely: 1) body composition, 2) aerobic capacity, 3) trunk strength, 4) abdominal strength, 5) flexibility and 6) upper body strength. These were chosen because it represents the intensity of physical development that the student has experienced. These data shall be compared with previous physical fitness examinations to fully determine the intensity of physical activity in consonance with the data generated from teacher-provided reports. For the academic tests, consultations shall be made with education authorities and other established education researchers regarding the appropriate content to be administered to the students. It shall also be determined whether test content that has been previously applied in other published studies such as that of Carlson et al (2008) can be adapted. In general, the subjects shall include science, mathematics, linguistics and world studies. In summary, we have four sets of data per group: 1) Physical education exposure, 2) Physical activity intensity and condition, 3) Covariates and 4) Academic

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Coming of Age In Mississippi

Coming of Age In Mississippi The life of Anne Moody and the events of the civil rights movement are chronicled in her autobiography and a book called Coming of Age in Mississippi which was published in 1968. In this essay, this autobiography will be drawn upon and her involvement in the movement will be analyzed. The thesis for the essay is that Anne Moodys change in perspective about the movement brought about a shift in the civil rights movement. Biographical Narrative Anne Moody was born in the Jim Crow era in Mississippi where she was also raised as a kid. The details of racism, patriarchal control, injustice and her involvement with grassroots organizations such as Congress of Racial Equity (CORE), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) have been documented in her autobiography. Moody, as a graduate of Tugaloo College, reflects upon her participation with local leaders and other Tugaloo students in order to protest against racial injustices. Her narrative includes a piece of history, which comes from meeting many leaders and witnessing many unforgettable movements, which otherwise would never have been documented or told. Anne lends her story and voice through narrating events such as Emmett Tills lynching, Medgar Everss assassination; sit-ins and rallies in which she fully participated (Page, 2007). Factors Influencing Moody to become Involved in the Movement Anne Moody witnessed the worst form of racism and discrimination in Mississippi in the era of Jim Crow. However, the biggest factor that contributed to Annes involvement in the movement was that she was a daughter of poor African American family and a female. Her father left the family when she and her other 8 siblings were still very young. Moodys mother supported her nine children through restaurant work and domestic chores. Moody attended a segregated school in Centreville in which she seemed to be a bright student despite her impoverished conditions. Anne witnessed a lot of discrimination against women and the African Americans in the area where she lived since her childhood. Being and African American and moreover a female, she experienced a lot of discrimination and racism herself. She was active throughout her college life which forced her to work for the independence of women from discrimination and get them voting rights, to create a history for the Southerners and give the African Americans the freedom they deserve and await (eNotes.com, 2010). Change in Moodys Perspectives about the Movement Overtime Moody started to work in the fourth grade as she was the eldest in her siblings and her mother could not earn much for the nine children. She won basketball scholarship at junior college and an academic scholarship to Tugaloo College from where she graduated in 1964. Anne Moody became an activist in the civil rights movement while she was at Tugaloo College and maintained involvement with CORE, NAACP and SNCC. She was one of the three youngsters in 1963 who staged a sit-in at a segregated Woolworths lunch counter in Jackson. In the same year, Moody also took part in a march on Washington DC (eNotes.com, 2010). As Moody learned that she was both an African American and a woman, she was quick to adapt to the situations which would have been fatal. She did not allow anyone to dominate her and did not accept being an inferior African American woman to any white person or men. She never became satisfied from or accustomed to the mandated subordination due to the white people in the US. Instead, her participation in the civil rights movement expanded when she began to challenge the myths, authorities, false heirs of superiority and assumptions in the society. Her perspective about the civil rights movement changed when she began to question her assumed position and role in the society in opposition to the other white people. She also began to ask other African Americans about their fulfilling roles and why they did not react against the white racists and discrimination (Page, 2007). As Moody continued to mature, her perspective about the movement changed when she learnt about the murders, the lynching and the threats to the lives of those African Americans who reacted to the impudence and rebellion that Anne has awaited to demonstrate (Page, 2007). These crimes not only disgusted her but also they stopped her from reacting or taking any actions as she writes in her book on page 155 Negroes are being killed, beaten up, run out of town by these white folks and everything. But Negroes cant even talk about it (Moody, p.155). Moody constantly learned about the differences between expectations and behaviors and the rules governing the whites and the African Americans. She sought to move out of Mississippi as she never accepted the Jim Crow system. She moved out to New Orleans and Baton Rouge to live with her relatives. She expected to find equality and more freedom there but was disappointed there as she again encountered racism and prejudices. She learnt that the rea lity is that these flavors of discriminations and racism are present all over the Southern states (Page, 2007). When she returned to her home state Mississippi, she learned that it was even more difficult to live in the state than before as the fear of losing own life and the life of loved ones was pertinent in the African Americans. At this point in time, Anne Moody became fed up of the differences shown by the African Americans, her community, her friends and her family. She decided to step up and make a difference as she could no longer be afraid and inactive. She notes in her autobiography Courage was growing in me too. Little by little it was getting harder and harder for me not to speak out (Moody, p.163). This led Anne to attend a greater number of meetings with the city leaders, other Tugaloo students and professors, and activists. She participated in a number of marches, riots, meetings, rallies, sit-ins and many other activities in order to fight and plead for equal rights for all the African American citizens (Page, 2007). Reflection of Moodys Change in Perspective In the 1950s, the major strategies involved in the civil rights movement were litigation and lobbying in order to abolish discrimination against the African Americans. However, in 1955, the black citizens became frustrated because of the gradual approaches of the state and federal governments to implement desegregation. The other reason for this frustration was the massive resistance from the proponents of voter suppression and racial segregation. Most of the actions that were taken in the 1950s and the early 1960s were nonviolent resistance and indirect actions by the African Americans. However, these actions were not voiced until the mid and the late 1960 when the civil rights movement took major steps such as the march on Washington and speech by Martin Luther King. In the past, it was difficult for the African American leaders to cooperate and work on a combined purpose. The strategy of the civil rights movement emphasized more direct actions and mass action replaced litigation. Therefore the civil rights movement reaped no results in the 1950s and early 1960s. However, when the African Americans united and the people felt courageous, then only results such as nullification of the legal article of separate but equal, banning of segregation, banning of discrimination in employment practices in 1964 and restoring of voting rights. These broader shifts in the civil rights movement from the 1950s to 1960s hence reflect the changing perspective of Moodys activism. She was active at first but then was discouraged by the lack of cooperation of the blacks and the height of murdering and killings of African Americans by the white people. Then she again became courageous and became active with participation in the riots and other strategies. . Conclusion Hence the change in perspective of Anne Moore about the movement was clearly reflected upon the broader shifts in the civil rights movement from 1950s to the end of 1960. The movement was taken by storm because of the mass action of the African Americans which can also be reflected by Moodys growing courage when she returned to Mississippi. Although Moody became disenchanted with the movement earlier when she moved out to another state, but she became an active member of the movement afterwards as the perspective of civil rights movement also shifted.